Wednesday 26 March 2014

The Benefits of Sri Satya Narayana Homam or Puja

The benefits of Sri Satya Narayana Homam or Puja

He who seeks Dharma, He who seeks wealth, He who seeks pleasures, He who seeks children, Will all without fail, Get what they want.

This puja can be performed any time but it is most powerful when conducted on the day or evening of the full moon (Pournami). It is typically performed by families to preserve and enhance family harmony and to bring success and enjoyment to all. The performance is simple and fun and all family members take part.

The puja starts by a prayer to Lord Ganesha, the elephant God and remover of all obstacles that may occur as a result of incorrectly performing the puja. This is done by chanting all the names of Lord Ganesha and offering prasad (a food offering, usually consisting of one of Lord Ganesha’s favorite foods – modak, a sugar and coconut mixture, or [lhadu]) and the showering of flower petals. Prepare SatyaNarayana Prasadam. This puja is typically performed by the individuals rather than priests. So it is very accessable, participatory and a joyful time for all.

The story behind the puja is as follows:
The puja itself is from the Skanda Purana. Sutha Puranik-ji, a rishi, narrates the story of a group of rishis who were performing a 1,000 year yagya for the general benefit of mankind. They went to Sutha Puranik-ji, and asked him how an individual having an ethical, life affirming desire, could have that desire fulfilled.

Suta explained that the same question was asked by Narada, who was a great rishi and son of Brahma the creator. Narada is a great character who pops up all throughout the Vedic mythology mostly as in instigator who sets events in motion. He has a fine sense of cosmic mischief.

In this story, Narada had been traveling all over the universe and its many worlds and finally came to Earth (Bhuloka). Here he found that so many people were suffering as they lived through their own karmas from past actions. He was filled with compassion for their suffering and went to find Lord Vishnu to ask him what could be done.

Vishnu and Narada are great friends, and Vishnu asked Narada what he could do for him. Narada explained that there is a special puja called Satyanarayana that can be performed by anyone; not necessarily a priest. It can be done any time and in any place. The results of which are material comfort and spiritual success.

As a part of the puja ritual a series of stories are read which describe some of the experiences of those who have performed the puja. These stories, called the Satyanarayana Katha) are always read as a part of the puja performance. When you attend a Satyanarayana Puja usually the children take turns reading the stories chapter by chapter. It is fun and adds to the family celebration feeling of the puja.

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